Noob Fuse

Noob Fuse

Noob Fuse

Noob Fuse introduces you to a completely new journey in the sandbox world. This adventure game will take you to experiences never before seen in the Minecraft universe. Noob, a familiar character in this world, will do interesting activities for you. However, more daringly, this character will carry bombs and lighters to blow up houses. A large-scale explosion is being methodically planned, and you are the one who decides when to explode.

Noob Fuse's goal is to discover treasures in houses. This treasure takes the form of a crystal chest and is hidden deep in the houses of this universe. Your mission is to get to that location as soon as possible to open them to receive rewards. Each level will have a certain number of crystal chests to level up. Have fun and good luck!

Game Instructions

  • The arrow or WASD keys: move.
  • The spacebar: jump.
  • The right-click button: put a block of dynamite.
  • Number 1 button: select dynamite.
  • Number 2 button: choose a lighter.

The explosives you place will automatically set the time and explode when the timer runs out.

To Explore the Entire Experience

  • Aim for large explosions by chaining multiple bombs together.
  • Look for structures that are easier to destroy.
  • Bounce bombs off walls or use them to create unexpected chain reactions.
  • Learn to detonate bombs at the right moment to maximize damage.
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